Emergency services during hurricanes and cyclones

In the world today climate change is a big and popular topic. Larger cyclones and hurricanes occur because of the consequences of climate change. Recent hurricanes as Florence and the hurricane in Puerto Rico last year caused many conflicts of interest. The U.S government are able to manipulate the death tolls to seem less dramatic. The problem that this causes is that global warming is not taking seriously enough.

It is very dramatic for the US population that their own government messes with the numbers. The president of the United States, Donald Trump, made a statement of the U.S Emergency Services did a “fantastic job”, handling the hurricane, even though nearly 3 000 passed away. He followed up in his statement by adding that this was a much better-handled situation than hurricane Katrina in 2005, though the casualties were less, is 1 200.

The conclusion is that the US government needs to take climate changes seriously. They have to give the population, the real numbers of the death tolls in order to make a change, when it comes to the climate changes in the world.

Written by Alexander and Cornelia.

Bilderesultat for hurricane

Bilderesultat for forest fire

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